Monday, November 1, 2010

On Cigars

Refinement tastes like saliva
Pooling in your throat until you must spit
To save your life
It scathes the nostrils like drought
And floods the eyes

Refinement parches your lips to slivers of tomato
It floats around you like a swarm of laughter
Swelling the atmosphere in wispy silver tendrils
Peppering the dialogue
Atop parking garages and lakefront moorings alike

Refinement sweeps across forbidden parkways
Burrowing into your upholstery
And hitchhiking in your overcoat
Inciting you to lie in cheap deodorant
On your way home

Refinement resides in metal drawers
Thrives as a school of diminutive suns
At the edge of a bloated cinnamon galaxy
Dies as an exanimate molehill of soot
From which we pray no mountains will rise

It is the air you inhale
Which determines the life you breathe

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