Monday, October 25, 2010

Where I'm From

I am from clocks
from Advil and Kleenex
I am from the lovely trapezoid
Simultaneously warm and frigid
I am from the philodendron
The magnolia tree
whose long gone limbs I remember
as if they were my own

I’m from chats over coffee and messed up Christmas trees
from Eugene and Elizabeth
I’m from weekend getaways
and two-month stay-aways
from long-distance phone calls
I’m from the certainty and confusion
of strong minds
and quick tempers

I’m from manners and hygiene
and “this shall pass”
I’m from Bronxville and Polska
From ancient feuds
and awkward weddings
across the water
We’ve got photos somewhere
I guess
Tucked away in some corner
Untouched by the din of the day


Christa said...

You know, looking at your recent updates, Creative Writing hasn't changed much. :P

Arthur San said...

Well, if that's a complement... thanks. If it's an insult... betch =P